The project is designed on the topic Living Organisms around us.
1. Students should develop an understanding about the different habitats.
2. Students should know how animals adapt to different surroundings.
3. Students should be able to understand how the biotic and abiotic components interact with each other in their habitats.
1. The entire class is divided into 5 groups. Each group contains 9-10 students each.
2. Each group has a student coordinator
 Each group  will be given time to collect information relating to the topic and time allotted during science periods wherein mentoring and guidance to facilitate and consolidate their work and they will be presenting their    topic with the help of charts, PPTs, skits, activities etc. This will help to develop their 21 century skills like self confidence, public speaking, observational skills, critical thinking, problem solving, team work etc.

The‘what/ when/ where /how’ of the 7 phases in brief
Project plan
The Chapter was discussed in detail by the teacher in class.
The project was designed to make students aware of the different habitats that exist and how animals adapt to them.

The work was allotted to a team of ten students each. They were given time to collect information relating to the topic. Time was allotted during science periods wherein mentoring and guidance to facilitate and consolidate their work was done. They presented their topic with the help of models, charts, PPTs, skits, activities etc. This helped to develop skills like leadership skills, team work, reading skills, problem analysing, self-confidence, public speaking, observational skills, critical thinking, problem solving etc.
Project scope
Students of class VI
Subjects related-Science, social science, English,
general knowledge
Student work was mentored and guided so that work progressed in the right direction.
Essential question
What are the different habitats?   
How do animals and plants adapt to their surrounding? What happens when they are not able to adapt?
How human activities are destroying these natural habitats? What are the after effects of this?
List out the extinct and endangered species on earth as a result of human activities?
How can we as a responsible human being contribute to prevent this cruelty of mankind to our mother earth?
Comment on the statement “We have not inherited this earth from our ancestors but we have borrowed it from our future generations
The class was divided into 5 groups each consisting 10 members each. A team leader was selected from each group. The team members had mixed ability and skill sets. Each student collected extra information about this topic and shared with the other students of the class. The team members got an opportunity for interaction with peer group and also  developed skills of public speaking and gained self-confidence.

Learning Environment
Team was provided working space in junior science lab and computer lab where they had discussions. They also had online research facility in the computer labs. Library hour was aloted to collect information from magazines, books etc…………… Group discussions were conducted for knowledge sharing.
The group members presented the particular topics which have been allotted to them. There were class discussions and debates on the topics where in the entire class participated .
Students explained the information they collected (from internet, library books, magazines etc…) to the entire class with teaching aids like PPTs, models charts, colourful pictures etc..              
Formative assessment
Regular feedback and guidance as and when required  helped the students in their final presentations. Marks were allotted to students based on their overall involvement based on the following criteria.
1.     Presentation skills
2.     Ability to work in a team/leadership
3.     General awareness on the topic
4.     Involvement in the project




